Ways to Participate
- Create a Task Group
First, go to Create a Task Group and follow the procedures before submitting your draft proposal to the RecorDIM Coordinator for feedback.
All task groups in the making are listed in the Task Groups Delivery Table. It provides a chronological list of current and new RecorDIM Task Groups and their Chairs. It also provides target dates for reviewing progress and publishing results. The list will be updated quarterly with names of new groups and delivery dates.
- Participate in an existing Task Group
Go to the Alliance Hub. It provides an overview of GAP areas (or categories) being addressed by Partner Organizations. It is also a way for conservation organizations and specialists worldwide to point out areas where gaps still exist. Then contact a Task Group’s liaison officer to express your interest in participating.
- Share useful links at the Information Warehouse
It is an open-ended resource for RecorDIM related web links. This interactive collection of information will grow with the interest, motivation and generosity
of those sharing and using it.